Barwell Parish Council

Serving the people of Barwell

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Scams

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Scams

Black Friday is an annual sales event which takes place on November 24, 2023, although many of the reduced prices will continue to be available until Cyber Monday, on November 27, 2023. These yearly shopping events are a prime time for scammers to try and take advantage of unsuspecting shoppers. To protect yourself and your financial information, it's important to be aware of online scams and only shop from reputable websites during the Black Friday/Cyber Monday period. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

Stick to well-known and trusted retailers - These retailers typically have strong security measures in place to protect your personal and financial information.

Check the web address - Before entering any personal or financial information, check the website address, also known as a URL, to make sure it's legitimate. If it looks unusual or has typos in it, it's likely a scam. Fraudsters create fake websites that look like real ones in order to trick people into entering their information.

Look for the padlock symbol - Check to make sure the website you're shopping on has a padlock symbol in the website address bar. This means that the site is encrypted, which means your information will be protected.

Avoid clicking on links in emails - Be wary of emails that offer amazing deals or discounts, especially if they include a link to a website. Scammers will often send out what's called a 'phishing' email that look like they're from a legitimate retailer in an attempt to steal your information.

Use strong passwords - Make sure you're using strong passwords that are difficult to guess. Create unique passwords for each online shopping account you have and avoid using easy-to-guess passwords such as "123456" or "password." Also, avoid using the same password for multiple accounts, and consider using a password manager to keep your passwords organized and secure.

Use a secure payment method - When shopping online, use a secure payment method such as a credit card or PayPal. These methods offer added protection in case of fraud or unauthorised charges.

If something seems suspicious, it probably is. For more detailed information about online shopping and banking safely, there are some great resources at Get safe online and Money advice service - beginners-guide-to-online-banking.

Posted: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 10:34 by Deputy Clerk

Tags: Community, Trading Standards